Grandma was such a strong women and I think we can all agree as us women in the family we all took a little piece of that. grams holds a special place in my heart because she took such good care of me. no matter what, she has always been there making sure we always ate and we were okay. after losing my dad (her son) I got closer to grams because in some way I felt like I still had a piece of my dad through her. I’m forever grateful I was able to call her and talk to her all the time. It pained me to see her hurting so much after losing her son but she kept going and fighting no matter what. Seeing her smile seeing Lucas in person and in pics and vid’s would bring such warmth in my heart. I will forever miss you grandma and life will never be the same with out you here. I’m at ease knowing both you and my dad are together again with god watching down on us. Give everyone strength to keep going everyday. I love you grandma ria❤️