My Grama Donna was the greatest grandmother anyone could ever wish for. She was kind, loving, forgiving, silly, and generous. When I was little she would let me do her makeup and hair, take me out for fast food, let me stay up late watching Disney movies, let me leave a light on at night, and always had plenty of my favorite sodas on hand! She taught me card games, baseball, cross stitching, first aid and always answered every question, including, “but why”?
I watched her save my cousin’s life when he was choking…. She was a real life hero!
She would take me to The Salvation Army to show me off to all her friends, she was always so proud of me and made me feel like a star!
I would play in her backyard for hours playing with 1950’s toy blocks and trucks. Fiddling in the garage with tools and crushing beer cans.
Some of my favorite memories were Christmas’s with grandma and all my cousins.
She wrote me letters while I was in the Army and ministered my wedding after I got out.
My grandma was always there when anyone needed her. She was active even into her 80’s driving around her friends, going to church, and helping anyone who needed it, including myself.
She was very active in my kids life as well, helping watch them, encouraging, supporting and teaching them.
My children and I are lucky to have spent so much time with her, playing games, reminiscing and hearing stories about the old days and the family.
She was a hard working, tough lady that never lost her will. I know that she is now where she told me she would go one day….. with the lord in heaven.
Rest in Peace Grama Donna, I love and miss you! You live on in my heart.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. – Amen