Eric was my 1st cousin and as kids, we spent a lot of time together because we were a really close family. One of my fondest memories of Eric was from our old-fashioned radio show phase. We were about 8-10 years old and had a few old cassette tapes of our parents’ that were recordings of old radio shows they listened to before TV existed. We had a portable cassette player and would wait till it was dark out, then sit and listen to murder mysteries and creep each other out. It was so fun! We decided to try to make our own murder mystery tape, so with a blank Memorex cassette and our portable recorder, we started to create. There was, of course, a lot of recording, then erasing, re-recording, erasing, and so on. It was Summer, by the way, and since we didn’t have air-conditioning, large portable electric fans were running. Eric got the idea to talk through the fan because it distorted his voice in a really funky way. We recorded it. “I am the ghost of Pecos Billllll and I will kill yoooouuuu.” We would laugh and laugh. I wish we still had those tapes. May God bless you all and bring you comfort. Love, Cousin Beth