I was told cousins are your 1st friends and your forever friend. As time passes, we did live far apart, but cousins are always connected by the Heart. The poem author is unknown to me, but the poem is so true.
The poem should have said, close cousins are you siblings and I truly felt we were brothers with a different sets of parents. You and I have countless memories of fun, laughter, and whoopings. But, to me that made you become the honorable husband and God-loving man that everyone loved. Of course, your passing hurts alot and I do cry often, but I can hear you giggling at me like we were kids again through our connected Heart.
I love you Mark, my brother.
To Andrea,
THANK YOU for loving my cousin. My lasting memory of Mark, is hearing his smile through the phone of the joy he has found in you and how great you are and how much he is in love with you. For that, I am forever grateful for you.