To all of us Mom was a patriarch she was our pillar in our family. She was my hero because she raised five of us on her own, she loved to see us prosper and excel in our education. She struggled through her trials and tribulations just to make sure we had food in our table, a bed to sleep on, roof over our heads and clothes on our backs. She worked hard manual labor and sometimes had two jobs just so we could have what she didn’t have when she was growing up. Her dedication, determination and discipline is what made her strong and she instilled that on us at a very young age. My fondest memories as a kid was her cooking, she spent countless hours in the kitchen making sure what she cooked was nothing but the best in flavors and had lots of nutrients for us to be healthy. Every time I’d visit her she would always feed me and loved to feed us. That was her way of showing her love to us, making sure we were well taken care of and fed. She was a giver and gave without hesitation. I loved to make her happy, to see her smile and laugh, to jog her fondest happiest memories to keep her happy. She also loved to travel to go sightseeing even a simple trip to the grocery store and or Costco. Her favorite spot was at shoreline park just to sit there and enjoy the peaceful calm ocean breeze. She was true fighter and she cherished the gift of life God had blessed her with not taking anything for granted. I thank God for giving us such a strong beautiful angel as a mother/father, friend, confidant and caretaker. I will forever miss you but I know you live through us and we carry your blood in our veins