Tiffany Goodrum

So many wonderful memories… We loved to try new places to eat and shared many a good meals. I will always remember Linda for these good times. She was always ready to celebrate, for any reason. Love ya, girl!

Jennifer Austin

My most heartfelt and deepest condolences to Sammy, RJ & Tabby. I know this is hard for you guys. Just remember how your mom loved you all so, so much. You 3 & the grandbabies were her entire world. What I know of her is she kept going for you kids. She wanted to make […]

Erika Rivera

Not only was Linda my Titi, she was also my godmother. She was a wonderful daughter, sister, aunt, godmother. We will all miss her, forever and ever Fly high in heaven with my dad Sixto, your eldest and only brother who passed away 4 months ago Give mom a hug for us

Vonnie Mitchell-Williams

I love you soooooo much mom! You were a blessing and loving lady always. So willing to give, support, and give best advice to all especially your kids. You will be truly missed. Love Vonnie

María Elena Ancheta

Francelia Borrallez was born on February 28,1942 to Emilio y Jesus Borrallez. She married Roberto Gordillo en union Juarez Chiapas Mexico in December 15, 1968 and was. sealed by time and eternity on April 30, 2016. She had 8 children Jose Roberto ️Raul Antonio Miguel Ángel, Francisco ️, Juan Carlos, Patricia Guadalupe (Lupita)Ma. Elena (Molly)and […]


Claudia Julio 30 Patricia es y será una de las mejores personas que formaron parte de mi vida.cada mañana durante 12 años tomábamos nuestro café charlando y riéndonos siempre. Fue mi amiga y me ayudó y me contuvo siempre en mis peores momentos. La quise mucho y la recuerdo linda de corazón y de alma.hoy […]

Owen Loftus

From the first time I met Patricia (Mama) we bonded and I always loved our time together. From being my Mother-in-law she gave her heart freely and we shared so many great times together. Mama and I had so many conversations at that kitchen table and always we bonded closed. And she was always in […]