I remember Uncle Evan as a distinguished man, with such a nice smile. I enjoyed talking with him on family vacations and at his son Evan’s wedding, a happy occasion. I was so honored that he came to my wedding. Sending my condolences and love.
Jim Sandman
Dear family and friends of Malcolm, On behalf of the United States Submarine Veterans, we offer our sincere condolences at Malcolm´s passing. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. We are always saddened whenever a fellow “Bubblehead” departs on Eternal Patrol. He served with honor on the USS Pintado SSN-672. To our […]
Margarita villalpando
Querido sobrinito Elías Julián te llevaremos eternamente en nuestros corazones con amor tu tía Margarita Villalpando y José Villeda. Condolencias y abrazos de luz a toda la familia ️
Psic Oscar Villalpando
“Su alma ya está descansando, en paz y tranquilo te cuidará desde el cielo” Tu abuelito y Fam. Villalpando
With deepest sympathy,
David and Brandy Lynch
Our love and thoughts are with you.
Raquel Branch (Lynch)
Auntie Glo, as I sit in the parking lot of the funeral home and the sun comes from behind the clouds, I can’t help but to smile. I know your physically not here but the memories will never be taken away. We have decades of memories to last a lifetime. You have lived such a […]
Richard green
Thank you in behalf of my familes.
Maxima Lynch
I’m going to miss my dear friend Petra. I still remember when my two children were still young she was the one to babysit and watch over them. I remember her telling me that my son David didn’t want to change his diaper, so he ran around the house and she had to chase him. […]